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Happy New Year 2023

Posted date: 01/04/2023

New year, new goals. I hope everyone enjoy the new year, do not limit your mind you can do everything you want and need, keep motivated and get the most of it year 2023 I'm here as you are there but we share the same world so let's make our world better by innovating and bringing to our enviroment new health and love. Loving each other will make us better everyday. keep moving and never stop dreaming. šŸ™‚

Hoy aprendi que

Posted date: 10/26/2022

Siempre hay solucion para las advercidades, me he dado cuenta que lo que siempre importa es la salud y la alegria, muchas veces perdemos el tiempo preocupandonos por cosas que no podemos cambiar, de una manera u otra siempre las cosas pasan, quisas es parte de la vida o solo son pequeƱas circunstancias que ayudan a dar un paso mas hacia el exito futuro, entender cosas como estas nos ayuda a seguir adelante, solo contar tu edad significa que todavia hay porcentaje de vida para aprovechar y hacer cosas diferentes, agradables y sobretodo hacer lo que siempre has querido, no hay porque lamentarse tanto las frustraciones son parte de la vida y tarde o temprano pasan a solo ser un recuerdo, un recuerdo que se olvida y vuelve en el futuro solo para recordarte que lo lograste, saliste de lo que nunca pensastes que lo harias, que se puede decir de los sueƱos que aun no hemos logrado?, sepuede decir mucho, y no podemos tratarnos mal si las cosas no han ido como esperabamos, si bien es cierto todo lleva su tiempo y hay que saber esperar, no importa si pasan cosas que te frustran o cosas que no esperabas, decian mis abuelos Asi llueva o truene este maiz que sembramos este aƱo va a crecer y comeremos tortillas frescas con olor a maiz nuevo. quisas te traiga un recuerdo esas palabras y ese el motivo de porque tenemos que esperar a que el fruto de lo que hemos sembrado se desarolle, puesto que solo esta dando sus primeros pasitos naciendo al rededor de otros que ya estan grandes, pero pronto se volveran una solida y grande recompensa para nosotros, entender esto siempre ayudara a perseverar, cuesta y lo se pero decia Camilo Sesto en una de sus cansiones y que es una de mis favoritas Tarde o temprano algun sueƱo se cumple y pasan los dias sin que el cielo se nuble, Sabes lo que mas siempre entiendo de todo, es que no hay nada que nos impide ir a donde deceamos, y somos nosotros mismos los que nos encerramos en nuestra mente y nos impedimos salir y disfrutar de lo que ya se nos ha dado y de gratis, si bien es cierto que todo requiere un precio no es muy dificil pagarlo solo basta con decidir hacerlo y alli esta, pueda quisas no sea asi como lo escribo pero se que no hay mas cosas por hacer, mas que pagar el precio de lo que cuesta lograr y hacer realidad los sueƱos. recueda siempre, no hay mal que por bien no venga, y vivimos en un mundo lleno de riquesas que a lo largo del tiempo hemos construido, y cosas mejores se construiran, si tu logras vencer los obstaculos y logras tus sueƱos no olvides compartirlos porque hay muchos seguramente por alli pensando en que no encuentran salida de la situacion en la que estan, sea economica, de salud, y temor al que diran. Con el tiempo he logrado cambiar muchas cosas el cual me admira eso, un consejo mientras tu piensas que estas mal hay otras personas que te admiran claro no nos damos cuenta de eso pero es la realidad, todos tenemos adversidades por las que pasamos, si te preguntas deseguramente sabras que a los que admiras tambien estan pasando por situaciones que los frustran, pueden ser diferentes a las tuyas pero en general no hay diferencia cuando la adversidad se presenta ya sea de la manera que sea, siempre afecta emocionalmente al ser humano, solo quedan dos cosas, o triunfas o fracazas y aprendes para seguir adelante, se dice que el fracazo solo trae abundancia de conocimiento y claro es verdad, dime si has intentado algo y no salio como esperabas y te frustraste entonces recuerda lo que aprendiste y te daras cuenta que no fue un fracazo si no un paso mas a lograr lo que deseabas, y he alli depende de ti si seguir o tirar la toalla al piso, yo cuando tiro la toalla le amarro un cordel para que se siga arrastrando con migo para que cuando me levante la recoja y me seque con ella el sudor nuevamente. pero que trajico se que es eso y no quiero posar de sabio pero he logrado salir adelante de muchas cosas que no te imaginas, por eso te digo no dejes nunca fuera tus sueƱos porque pueda que tu futuro cambie y lloraras mas por no haber logrado lo que habias empezado. quisas esta maƱana me levante con mucho entusiasmo de escribir o quisas tu deseabas leer lo que he escrito, en realidad pasaran los aƱos y yo leere de nuevo este escrito y lo que me recordara sera que fue grandioso no haber tirado la toalla, estoy atento claro que si y porsierto no hay cosa mas grande que sonrreir asi que sonrrie como nunca y recuerda todo lo que existe le peretence a todos y todo lo que deseamos hacer se gana pagando el precio de la perseverancia y siguiendo intentandolo una y otra vez, porque tarde o temprano algun sueƱo se cumple.

PS: Melvin Dev

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Corel VideoStudio 2021 Screen Capture Problem on Windows 10

Posted date: 8/03/2021

I was trying to cpature my screen today using VideoStudio 2021, there was a problem, it did not launch, after some investigation the issue comes from the sound, however the sound was working well, checking the sound properties, I disabled the default microphone Microphone Array and it resolved the problem and the screen capture on VideoStudio started working. Here is the solution that worked.

  1. Right click on Volume icon from the taskbar


  2. Select Recording Tab
  3. Select and Right click on Microphone Array and click disable


  4. Now Open VideoStudio
  5. Click Capture Tab
  6. Click Multicam Capture


  7. The Multicam Capture will launch


I hope it help to anyone that is having the same issue.

I just finished and published my first book

Posted date: 7/19/2020

I have been doing a lot of things during the pandemic lockdown in United States, one of things I have enjoyed is that I wrote a book, there more things I have been doing, however writing a book is one thing I have never done since today, the first book I have written is about "ASP.NET" named "ASP.NET CORE 3.1 BEFORE BEGINNING" in this book I explain some of the most part that we need to work on ASP.NET core, Models, Views, Controllers, View Components, Partial Views by creating a Phonebook project, a small project where we go deep on how to create it, I almost avoided the explanation and I went deep on showing how to do it by using screenshots, I invite you to read it and let me know waht you think, there are a lot of part of ASP.NET core to discuss and there are a lot of books already explain that.
Read my books on Amazon Kindle, got to my author page:

Hoy es uno de esos dias.

Posted date: 2/25/2019

A estas horas de la maƱana para ser exacto es la 1:56 AM, me he despertado pensando en como ser mas productivo en la vida, como ya saben soy un apasionado por la tecnologia especialmente en la creacion de apps y websites. muchas cosas ruedan en mi mente que no puedo dejar de pensarlas, me estoy confundiendo en que rumbo seguir, Amo lo que hago y nunca me quejo de mi destino, porque si veo que el destino me esta llevando por un camino que no me gusta y que no me beneficia lo cambio y si es requerido renuncio en donde me encuentro dia a dia. yo pienso que es inutil luchar contra la corriente de agua que te aleja de tus sueƱos cuando al lado hay rios mas ricos y mas poderosos que esperan ayudarte a triunfar.

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Vive la vida como si fuera el ultimo dia.

Posted Date 11-08-2018

Vivir la vida como si fuera el ultimo dia no es sinonimo de hacer cosas indevidas, en nuestro pensar a diario tenemos metas e iluciones que un dia deseamos cumplir, luchamos con los problemas a diario y no disfrutamos lo hermoso que es nuestro universo y no comprendemos lo que el futuro y nuestro creador nos ha dado para vivir como esperamos. Algun dia te has preguntado porque en el mundo nunca logramos lo que deseamos? supongo que si, hoy esta maƱana me levante pensando porque es tan duro lograr nuestros objetivos, no obstante "No encontre mejor respuesta que" "si no luchas no lo logras".

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JavaScript Studio is available on the App Store

Posted date: 8/21/2018

I'm happy to introduce JavaScript Studio for iOS, JavaScript Studio is easy to use, Now you can code your favorite app using your iPhone, Tablet.
If you are learning to become a web developer, I recommend you to use JavaScript Studio, Your iPhone will be more intelligent when you install the app, Why? well while you code something your will see your device will do what you want. I developed this app the most easy to use and very usuable. I keep updated the app, if you have ideas or you want to share recommendations please contact me. Enjoy the app on your favorite device :)

Visit the official website

Tomorrow is not the same as today.

Posted date: 7/01/2018

Every night before going to sleep I take a moment to figure out on what I did wrong all day, because it gives me solution to avoid wrong things on the next day There are no excuses for me, I have started the habit to do right things everyday, do you think it's hard? Sometimes but there is no reason to keep doing the same thing, you have to change the problem to solution, we have to keep in mind all things we do have consequences, If you do good things you will receive good things back. I just want to remember you, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WORLD.

JavaScript Studio is available on Google Play

Posted date: 6/28/2018

Is good to know that JavaScript Studio is now available for your Android device, the current version is 1.0 and I'm planning to bring the version 2.0, JavaScript Studio was developed for Windows 10 first.
Now you can code on your android phone, there are some good reason why to use JavaScript Studio, with JavaScript Studio you can code JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, while you are coding you can save it as app name you like, you can edit the code when you need, If you no longer want to have the app you have created then you can delete it, is pretty cool, JavaScript Studio have the features you need when coding web apps and we know that everyone has a phone or tablet all the time and that is the main reason why the app exist.

Visit the official website

Finally I finished to migrate my website to ASPNET core

Posted date: 6/28/2018

It has been hard time to me these days I re-design this website from the ground backend and frontend, initially I was developed this website in aspnet webforms in Visual back in 2012, I did not expect to develop it from the ground but since aspnet webforms and aspnet core are so different I decided to do it, I could continue using the same development as before that doesn't affect the website as Microsoft said webforms will be supported for more time ahead. With this I don't mean having the website on webforms is bad because I've maintained it for more than 5 years, the problem is for the future when you have a lot of more information added to your website will be hard to write it to new development and that was the reason why I've given a new style and new technology to my lovely website.

Artificial intelligence (AI) while I was sleeping

Posted date: 4/02/2017

Yesterday (April 01 2017) I was reading articles about Artificial intelligence before going to sleep it was 2:16 am honestly I don't remember it was 2 am and some minutes, after I read some about AI articles I said my self "I will explore my mind" i finishing thinking that if Robots are going to operate work places leaving some humans without work "How is supposed they are going to be monitored?" this was my question when I see this video shared by...

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TimeApp for windows 10

TimeApp Help available->

Introducing TimeApp for windows10. Have you waiting for an app that makes time,Money calculation on your business? TimeApp has been developed to help all needs on your business and can be used by individual people, Organization, Stores, freelancers. TimeApp Doesn't Require Suscription or Internet Connection to work with. TimeApp is a timecard app and offer complete Working hours by day and generate report by date range selected, Allowing you to calculate how much the employee has earned by the end of the day,week or date range. You can add as many employee as you need. What you can do with TimeApp?

** Register Employees.

** Register Company and Company Profile.

** Register Company Work Positions.

** Each employee registered can use the Clock (Punch Time) to Work in,Lunch Start, Lunch End, Work out

** You can configure the clock (puncher) You can determinate the regular hours in a period of day or days you paid and after those regular hours all will be count as Overtime hours Also you can set how much the overtime rate will be: Example Regular Hours are 40 and the employee works 45, you will paid 40 regular hours as the position rate of the employee is registered and 5 overtime hours.

** You can create schedule selecting date period, When you create eschedules you will see how much you will paid by the end of the period.
**Clock Report (shows all data generated from Clock(puncher)

**User Accounts: You can create user account as many as you want to login into TimeApp, and can restrict access account or add limited access to each user account

** Backup Database: You are able to Backup the data base out of the app in case you need in other device, because you can Export the Database and you can Import into TimeApp.

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YouTubeTv open source library for C# and VB.Net


YouTubeTv library allows you to manipulate a Youtube URL, extracts the Video id and the default image from video, and the video URL ready to play in iframe, If you are .Net developer who likes to add Youtube videos to your website or windows Application, this library can help you to save a lot of coding and time.

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JavaScript Studio app hits 10,000 downloads on Windows Store

Posted date: 6/20/2016

Today I feel happy and I want to thanks to all devs and friends who had downloaded JavaScript Studio Universal App for Windows10 and Windows8.1 from Windows Store. Thank you! For giving me the opportunity and downloaded my apps, You know I feel like that Singer on Youtube having 10,000 views in his/her video :D ,Is amazing. While developing JavaScript Studio has not been easy (because the time) I can say that is good tool for developer who uses his/her Windowsphone, Windows10 mobile instead of computer because it supports the same features in all devices.
While The app version that I am talking about is JavaScript Studio free version that is limited in some features I know that you still loving it as I love it , too. There is a 'Pro' paid Version that includes all features that are not available for free Version. Celebrating the 10,000 Downloads of JavaScript Studio Free version, I have been Scheduled a Special Price for JavaScript Studio Pro Version that Starts on 6/20/2016 11:00:00 AM UTC and Ends on 6/26/2016 12:00:00 AM UTC .

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80073cf2 or 80073cf9 Error while installing your own app from windowsphone store

Posted date: 7/19/2015

When we are developing a Windowsphone app that we will submit to the store for first time, everything works fine, we can use our app in the device without installing it (using the debug deployment to the device that Visual Studio creates), as normally as when you deploy to the windowsphone store and install it from there when the app is ready.

When you have finished your app and you have published it to the Windowsphone Store, you are able to install it (and you should install it) for first time without any problem even having your debug package installed on the device. and everything is happy for Us :) right?.. But...... one week after we published our app to Windowsphone store we decided to create updates for the next version that we will publish... There is something that we have to know, the app already has associated information to the app like "AppName", "AppId" that we have created in our dashboard.
If you Open Visual Studio and you continue developing the app you will Update. you will notice that when you connect your windowsphone device and you Press the run button on Visual Studio you Will Receive this Windows Message before countinuing to deploy your app in to you windowsphone.


Note: you will receive this message if you have installed your app, if not it will run normally.

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Actividad en MSDN FORUM

Me siento contento de Contribuir con los Foros de programacion en de MSDN 'Microsoft Developer Network', con duro esfuerzo estudiando libros y creando codigos, Me encanta participar junto a todos los demas voluntarios dispuestos a ayudar en los foros. Gracias a MSDN Por estos reconocimientos.


Melvin Dev on MSDN

No he perdido la nocion de seguir ayudando, un poco dificil se hace cuando el tiempo es corto pero es parte de la vida enseƱar lo que uno ha aprendido.

PorquƩ deberias ser un programador?

Ser un programador implica ciertos meritos como tambien responsabilidad, dia a dia necesitamos crear innovaciones para trabajo o uso propio, muchas veces para calcular la diferencia entre dos fechas es dificil, Mientras que con pocas lineas de codigos se puede obtener el resultado.

Calcular Edad de una persona en Visual Basic.Net

Para hacer calculo de una persona es necesario tener la fecha de nacimiento y la fecha final que puede ser la fecha actual o fecha menor pero mayor que la fecha de nacimiento si no obtendra un valor negativo.

En el formulario necesitaremos lo siguiente.

  • Dos DateTimePicker
  • Un Label llamado LabelResult
  • Un boton


Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim date1 As Date = CDate(Me.DateTimePicker1.Value)
Dim date2 As Date = CDate(Me.DateTimePicker2.Value)
If date2.Year < date1.Year Then
Me.LabelResult.Text = "Rango de fechas es invalido"
ElseIf date2.Month < date1.Month Then
Me.LabelResult.Text = "Rango de fechas es invalido"
Me.LabelResult.Text = "Su edad actual es: " & CStr(date2.Year - date1.Year) & " AƱos y " & CStr(date2.Month - date1.Month) & " meses"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
End Try
End Sub



En este ejemplo calculamos la edad actual de AƱos y tambien los meses, porquƩ calcular los meses? La respuesta seria, suponga que esta trabajando en un hospital y un bebe es recien nacido y lleva su archivo de nacimiento, y usted desea saber cuantos meses lleva de nacido asta la fecha actual, lo mas confiable es contar con un calculador de edades y con sus meses respectivos.

Como observamos no requiere de mucho costo hacer calculos con edades en programacion.

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